Velo Bike Shop

Open 7 days a week
Sun: Noon–5pm
Mon–Thursday: 10am–7pm
Fri & Sat: 10am–6pm
206 | 325.3292


The following photos are pictures of bikes from friends, employees and a few shop owned bikes.

Most of these bikes are vintage or classics and are here for you to enjoy. Some of the bikes are on display at our shop and if you would like a more detailed picture, just make a request and we will see what we can do.

If you would like to post your favorite bike, please e-mail us with a photo and specs.

Velo Bike Shop
Open 7 days a week
Sun: Noon–5pm
Mon–Thursday: 10am–7pm
Fri & Sat: 10am–6pm

New Policy: We are no longer shipping items, in-store purchases only.

Site design: Kevin Tamura with backend development by Kenny Meyers

We proudly run our site with ExpressionEngine on Engine Hosting.