Velo Bike Shop

Open 7 days a week
Sun: Noon–5pm
Mon–Thursday: 10am–7pm
Fri & Sat: 10am–6pm
206 | 325.3292

Featured Bikes

From the Blog

New Women’s Rides!

Posted by Valerie on Jun 14, 2013 | General

We are introducing Women's Intermediate Rides (15-25mi) in addition to our recently added Women's


More from the Blog

Mike's Tips

Brakes: Inspect, Clean and Adjust

Fall is a good time to inspect, clean and adjust your braking system.

  1. Inspect and replace rusted, frayed or bend cables and housing.
  2. Inspect and replace worn brake pads. Most brake pads have 'wear grooves' that indicate when pads should be replaced.
  3. Check the alignment of your brake pads, if they are too high they could cut your tires and too low can catch under your rim.
  4. Check your rim for wear, dirty grit could wear out your rim in just a few seasons, so make sure to clean off grit from you
Velo Bike Shop
Open 7 days a week
Sun: Noon–5pm
Mon–Thursday: 10am–7pm
Fri & Sat: 10am–6pm

New Policy: We are no longer shipping items, in-store purchases only.

Site design: Kevin Tamura with backend development by Kenny Meyers

We proudly run our site with ExpressionEngine on Engine Hosting.